The systems upon which we have lived (and through which many have prospered) have been broken for a very long time. Too many fellow humans have suffered as a consequence. There are those on whom I want to place blame, but by condemning them, I am no better than my condemnation. So, as I learn and unlearn more and more about racism (and face my own ignorance) and as I observe human rights being taken away from right under our feet, I pause. I recognize that I am feeling angry, bitter, disgusted, sad, and quite disheartened right now. I remind myself - It is unconditional love that will bring the deep healing that we need on this planet. 

So I ask: How can I take Divinely Guided action to create the positive and powerful changes that so many of us seek, with an open, kind and loving heart? 

And in the meantime, I say: Black Lives Matter. 


     Are you ready to become your best Self yet?

Your first step needs to be: Stop using someone else’s template. You actually have all the answers inside of you…you just need to learn how to tap into them easily and on a regular basis.

I know you’ve been doing some inner work, but there’s something keeping you stuck. Even though you understand the concepts of limiting beliefs and blocks, you can’t quite figure out how to bust through them consistently. But you intuitively know that there’s something more…just on the other side of all that muck!

The good news is: You can get out of that muck!

Let me show you how…


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All photography provided by SouL Musings, the new beginning of an amazing journey.