Opportunities to work together

You’re ready to open yourself up to some impactful shifts, harness your intuitive power and become your “greatest yet to be.” You know – that person that you know you truly are “deep down.” You’re ready to not only access that person…but to LIVE as that person everyday.

Through my intuitive gifts, the iPEC Core Energy Coaching Process and my training in both Reiki and Naam yoga, I can help you design and implement powerful shifts that will transform the way you see yourself and the way you show up in all areas of your life. As we work together, I will equip you with a host of intuitive resources that you’ll be able to use forever in order to continually come back to your truth.

Are you ready for that transformation? (Spoiler alert: you are…you just have to step out in faith and believe it!


Dive into one substantial area of inner conflict and learn action steps to start busting through blocks TODAY.


Four 60-minute sessions designed to massively shift your energy so that you are happier, more productive and ready for your truest alignment yet.


Three-month deep dive exploring several areas of inner conflict, a full energy assessment, and a customized toolkit of resources to use to design, create and implement the kind of transformation that will shift your life into overdrive!
